Assay Assured – EverWith® Memorial Jewelry


The Largest Range of Bespoke Memorial Jewelry

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EverWith Ltd have been audited by Assay Assured

Assay Assured hold one of the most reputable trustmarks in the online jewellery sector and precious metals industry. Operating uninterrupted for 550 years, from the Edinburgh Assay office established by royal charter, the company hallmark the purity of gold and precious metals.

With the onset of on-line retailing the Assay Assured and the Assay Assured Jewellery Retailers trust-mark were launched in 2012 to provide consumers and shoppers a quality mark illuminating those high standard jewellers who promote good practice. The scheme has one simple purpose and that is to protect online jewellery shoppers from counterfeit or fake products.

As an online shopper with an Assay Assured jewellery retailer, you have the confidence that:

All jewellery offered by the retailer carries the legally-required independent hallmark verifying the precious metal content (unless the item is exempt by weight).

The retailer is part of a scheme of sampling and testing by Assay Assured to ensure that jewellery exempt by weight from hallmarking is also of the claimed standard - a protection over and above legal requirements.

The retailer has agreed not to carry counterfeit branded jewellery on their site.

The retailer follows the Assay Assured Code of Conduct.

Assay Assured is owned and administered by the Edinburgh Assay Office. The Edinburgh Assay Office was established by Royal Charter and our primary role has always been to guarantee the purity of precious metals. Today our work centres on providing hallmarks for compliance with the 1973 Hallmarking Act. To do this we assay (check) and subsequently apply hallmarks to articles of gold, silver, platinum and palladium in compliance with national and international regulations. We have provided this service, without interruption, for over 550 years.

To achieve this EverWith Ltd have to adhere to the following code of practice:

    1.    Independent Verification.
  All precious metals sold by the company have the legally-required independent hallmark verifying the precious metal content. Assay Assured also tests and samples other items, otherwise exempt by weight.
    2.    Accurate Product Descriptions.  
All items are checked to ensure the accuracy of the precious metal content
    3.    Independent Arbitration
.  Assay Assured will act as an independent verifier if you are unsure of the precious metal content
    4.    Only Genuine Branded Products.   
Assay Assured Jewellery Retailers guarantee that all on-line stock is free from counterfeit or fake precious metals.

When it comes to manufacturing jewellery and silverware, precious metals (silver, palladium, gold and platinum) are rarely used in their purest form. Instead they are usually alloyed with lesser metals to achieve a desired strength, durability, and colour.

It is not possible to detect the precious metal content of an item by sight or by touch. It is, therefore, a legal requirement to have items consisting of silver, palladium, gold or platinum independently tested and then hallmarked before they can be described as such. Items must bear a hallmark at point of sale, subject to the following weight exemptions:

Silver - Mandatory for items above 7.78 grams
Gold - Mandatory for items above 1 gram
Palladium - Mandatory for items above 1 gram
Platinum - Mandatory for items above 0.5 grams

EverWith Ltd is registered with the Birmingham Assay Office, ensuring our precious metal jewellery is compliant with the UK’s hallmarking regulations. All stock is subject to an internal confirmation process to ensure it meets the UK’s hallmarking regulations before it is dispatched to our customers.

For articles that are below the UK hallmarking Act’s mandatory weight for hallmarking EverWith Ltd operates a separate due diligence process which involves periodic voluntary testing of items that fall below the mandatory weight to ensure they meet the minimum fineness requirement.

We are an Assay Assured Jewellery Retailer. Assay Assured status is only given to retailers who have been independently audited and verified by Assay Assured which is run and overseen by the Edinburgh Assay Office, and ensures that all precious metal jewellery (except items exempt by weight) are independently tested and hallmarked.